Hebraic Month Calendar
8 x 10 Color Prints Suitable for Framing
Package includes 12 Hebraic months in a colorful prophetic picture describing each month with it's blessings.
Each pictures represents the Hebraic month and is designed by the inspiration of "A Time to Advance", book by Chuck Pierce with Robert & Linda Heidler, will help you learn to think like God thinks. As you study the Hebrew tribes and months, you will receive prophetic understanding of how the Lord orders your steps throughout the year. You will come to understand how God, from the past, develops His whole conquering army for today. You will also gain understanding on how each part moves together, as well as the redemptive quality of God's covenant plan for Israel.
Please note:
These are printed pictures only, does not have the days/months included as a regular calendar would display. Picture is meant for framing to put on display each month.